Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jesus Is Super-Convenient!

Sometimes it may seem to us Christians that the things of the world around us are convenient to our thoughts, words and actions. We just naturally come into contact with worldly things every minute of every day. They ARE convenient!

But what we must come to understand is that these things of the world are EXTERNAL conveniences. They exist outside of our human bodies and can only influence us from the outside.

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living in us, INTERNALLY, and His function is to 1) comfort us when the convenient things of the world get to us and 2) teach us about what (WHO?) is really convenient – Jesus Christ joined INTERNALLY to our human spirit forever by the fact of our new birth in Him.

Stop and think for a minute. What is REALLY more convenient – something external or something internal? Nothing could be more convenient than something (Someone?) we carry around right inside us every day. Jesus is SUPER-CONVENIENT!

OK. I hear you saying that you can’t see Him, you can’t feel Him. How can He be super-convenient?

Ah-ha! The very reason God left you on the earth to continue to live after He made you a child of His by a new birth in Christ is for you to GROW IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF JESUS’ SUPER-CONVENIENCE!

There is one facet of mature experience which is often missed, yet it lies at the root of capability on any level, and no one can be sure of himself without it. Everything in existence is a system of opposites. Darkness is the absence of light. We have positive and negative poles. A thing is only a thing because it has its opposite. It has a right and a wrong and the one has overcome the other. You cannot say a certain “yes” in a decision until you have first canvassed the alternatives and said an equally certain “no” to each of them. The strength of the “yes” is in swallowing up the “no”. And here we have God’s perfect wisdom in the birth and growth of His children. To have true sons, they must find themselves in their freedom. They must discover that to be a person there are alternatives and they must make their free choice – and ultimately their right choice – through having first made the wrong one and tasted the consequences.

God wants you as His child to grow into the understanding that, as convenient as the things of the world may seem to us initially, they can never be as super-convenient as the guidance and power of Jesus Christ. Every acceptance of things convenient from the outside of us is used by God to draw us into greater understanding that the only REAL LIFE is to live by dependence and trust in our internal union with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His SUPER-CONVENIENCE is a Light casting all else into the darkness of worldly convenience.


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