Friday, October 01, 2010

Language Speaks To Us About God

A good starting point in understanding the origin of man’s present civilization –and disproving evolution – is the study of language.

There can be no nation, no civilization nor culture without language. Therefore the history of language and our civilization are inextricably linked.
Evolutionists try to demonstrate how language can evolve from basic grunts into the complex languages used today. However there is one problem: No evolutionist can determine the beginning of language.
The evolution story is set in a time long ago when mankind was evolving from apes. For this world to be constructed, apes must be able to learn language. Yet research conducted at Georgia State University concluded that this is impossible. “Despite popular myth, not even chimpanzees can learn a human language,” they say. Using the example of an advance chimp named Kanzi, they conclude, “Even Kanzi cannot string symbols together in anything resembling the complexity of a human language. The human brain is unique in having the necessary hardware for mastering a human language – that much is uncontroversial.”
The evolutionist must now ignore the research or pretend that even Kanzi, the genius hero of the chimp world, would be a fool compared to his predecessors which, if evolutionists were to be believed, must also somehow be less evolved than Kanzi.
When studying today’s languages, evolutionists ignore two concrete facts. First, they ignore that older languages tend to be of a higher order and complexity than modern languages. When you follow the movement of languages through time, the only processes that can be discerned are disintegration and collapse. That’s not to say there haven’t been any developments since that time, but the general trend is degeneration.
Instead of languages getting more complex, they have grown simpler! Compare Old English with modern English, Latin with modern Romance languages, and ancient Hebrew with modern Hebrew. In every case, the trend directly contradicts the concept of evolution, that of ever increasing sophistication and complexity.
Second, evolutionists ignore that no matter how far back we go with available written records of any language, the language already has pretty much the full repertoire of complex features found in today’s languages.
Instead of seeing written records that show some kind of evolution of a primitive language, we see a sudden arrival of already complex languages. There are no “missing links”.
Evolutionary linguists can’t figure out how language was invented because it wasn’t invented by man! That is the conclusion to which all the facts logically lead.
If we take the Bible as the foundational historical document that it is, there is an explanation of facts that fly in the face of evolution. Though the Bible record is brief, it contains no missing chapters.
At the time of the creation of man, that first man was given language – a fully formed, complete language. This explains the conclusion of modern research that only man’s brain can master language – that brain was formed and designed for a specific purpose by a Creator.
It is no coincidence that one of the names for God is “The Word”. Neither is it a coincidence that divine authority declares that the Word was there “in the beginning”.
Thousands of years after the creation of Adam, mankind became so evil that God wiped out all humanity except one righteous man, Noah, and his family. As Noah’s family began to separate and colonize the world, a rebellious people led by Cush and his son Nimrod decided to stay where they were and unite the families. The details are brief but found in Genesis 10 and 11.
“The Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, ‘If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other…That is why it was called Babel – because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.´(Genesis 11:5-7,9)
This event begins the history of the nations. Here God divided the people into nations by creating multiple languages. God gave several unique languages to the people, probably one to each of the main families listed in Genesis 10.
These parent languages would have then been changed and simplified over time into all the languages we have today, much like Latin gave rise to Spanish, French and Italian.
Our ancestors would have had no real choice but to migrate and dwell with the people with whom they could communicate, developing their own unique cultures and civilizations through their independent languages.
But the account of Babel is not just in the Bible. The building of the tower is also recorded in the ancient writings of Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, Greece and Media. The most complete secular account is found in the Akkadian Creation Epic, reproduced in James Pritchard’s “Ancient Near Eastern Texts”, which even speaks of a father and son leading the project.
The Chinese, Hindus, Irish, Native Americans and Persians also tell us of the divisions of speech by a supreme God. In fact, thanks to Chinese and Egyptian record keeping, their ancient manuscripts mark this division of languages as the beginning of the origins of their civilization.
Yet modern evolutionary scholars and educational institutions reject all of this. They not only reject the Bible, but they also relegate ancient manuscripts, which they spent years deciphering and trying to understand, to nothing but fantasy! These manuscripts do contain a large amount of myth, but they also carefully preserve annals of and references to their patriarchs.
The rejection of these sources is a fairly recent phenomenon. It wasn’t until German rationalism became the rage within academia in the 19th century that the knowledge of the Bible and divine intervention was removed from education and the ancient manuscripts taken as pure myth. That is why today’s linguists are trying to prove how language evolved using godless evolutionary methods.
Man was given language from the beginning, which was also used to pass on mankind’s history, through oral traditions and written records. That is how Moses was able to write Genesis. The first language appeared with the first man, and there is no history of men before the written word existed!
The first recorded conversation was between God and man (Genesis 1:28-30; 2:16-17). The first conversation between two human beings is recorded in Genesis 2:23. The first attempt by man to reason without a foundation of divine revelation is recorded in Genesis 3:1-6, and its detrimental results in the remainder of that chapter.
So what will you believe? The account from the written Word of God that explains all the facts and is corroborated by ancient secular manuscripts and modern research?
Or will you reject divine revelation and the truth that God intervenes in history so that you can blindly believe in evolution, whose supporters must ignore and discard facts, even accepting unreliable data that must first jump through hoops to match their theory?

Where will you put your faith?

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