Human "Beings"? - or Spirit "Beings"!
What is a “being”? We have all heard the term “human being” used so often that we don’t even think about what it means. As the little girl said to her mother working in the vegetable garden, "Mom, are we really human beans?"
We claim to be human beings, but what is a being? We don’t say “fish beings” or “vegetable beings”. The dictionary applies the adjective “being” to anything that actually exists. But when used as a noun, “being” is defined as: absolute existence of a person having essence of life.
The Bible tells us that we are composed of three parts: spirit, soul and body. And our essence or the real source of our being is our human spirit. I like to say that I AM a spirit – I HAVE a soul – and I LIVE in a body.
The soul is the intellect, emotions and will by which we learn and make choices. The soul was designed to be guided by the spirit. Our essence of being is in our spirit. We ARE spirit beings containing human souls and bodies.
What we tend to ignore is that each of us began in the “beingness” of spirit. Our spirits are uncreated. They are a portion of the Supreme Being, the Absolute Being – God the Father. Our souls and bodies were created when we came into this earthly existence, but our spirit has existed eternally because God portioned a part of Himself off to be our essence way back before the creation of the universe. “God has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4).
My beginning and yours was in Being. We were in our Father. He is the eternal spiritual Being, and we inherited Him in our beginning.
This is a great and glorious story. But there is another story that began with our human father, Adam. And this story caused us to forget the story of our spiritual being.
Every human is actually one continuous organism from Adam – we are all Adam’s seed. And Adam forgot the story of his spiritual being. He forgot that God was the spiritual part of him, the “being” part!
And when we entered this earth, we also completely forgot where we really came from! Humanity in general looks upon itself as human beings rather than spirit beings. They are too busy handling the human problems of the human family. God has to deal with them on a one on one basis to bring them to the true understanding of being.
In its humanness the whole world has forgotten what it means to BE. Shakespeare said, “To be or not to be? That is the question.” And a good question for us to ask is, “What is our “being?”
We must get back to the very beginning of each of our stories of being before the foundation of the world. We must ask the Father of Being, the absolute spiritual Being, “Where did I come from?”
What is the home of spiritual being? What is our spiritual habitat? It is eternal life! The Holy Spirit works to find us in this world as He found the prodigal in Jesus’ parable. We are told that the prodigal son “came to himself”. This is everyone’s story, - we have each been the prodigal, taken up with our humanness and ignoring our beingness. While in that state we’ve remained untaught and spiritually ignorant of the true meaning of being “in the image of God”.
As a Christian making Christ our Savior and Lord – as a spiritual being in Christ – it is our destiny to rest in and enjoy the unconditional love of our Father, who is love, joy and peace. We are destined to know the truth of BEING, that in Christ we are free from bondage to the prison of human “being”.
The story of the prodigal is the story of the human race – still wallowing in the pigpen of human “being” in a futile effort to try to improve its surroundings. In the entirety of the Bible you will find one story: it is yours and it is mine. We lost our home in the one spiritual Being, the Father of all human beings. The work of the Holy Spirit is to bring us TO THE REMEMBRANCE OF OURSELVES AS SPIRIT BEINGS, NOT HUMAN BEINGS.
This is where we, like the prodigal, “come to ourselves”, to the true spirit being within. We remember our home in the heaven of unconditional love. We put away our old concept of separation between human being and spirit being.
The Christian grows into the perfectly functioning balance between heaven within and earth without!
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