Hillary's Conversation
There is a book titled “The Choice” written by Watergate reporter Bob Woodward in 1996. The book claims that the then-president’s wife, Hillary, found encouragement by talking to Jean Houston, co-director of the Foundation for Mind Research, which studies psychic experience and altered and expanded consciousness.
The book said Houston got Mrs. Clinton to hold an imaginary conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt who died in 1962.
Hillary wrote in her weekly syndicated column that she occasionally has “imaginary conversations with Mrs. Roosevelt to try to figure out what she would do in my shoes. She usually responds by telling me to buck up or at least to grow skin as thick as a rhinoceros.”
The Bible constantly speaks of a dimension beyond material externals and appearances. Jesus called it “The Kingdom of God”.
But then the Bible also says that there are wrong forms of attempted communication with this other dimension.
When we live in this material dimension, we daily measure things by our limiting, natural senses – human intellect, emotional feelings and external appearance can act as our bases for judgment and decisions.
But we were created to live IN THE HIGHER DIMENSION ALSO – the timeless world of limitless unity with the Spirit of God. We are each, by a rebirth at conversion, to know the Spirit reality of a personal union with the Trinity of God – Christ living in us, through us, to others.
This does not deny our humanity, or the temporal reality of the material dimension, but brings us to a level of awareness which enables us to transcend our humanity.
My slowness in coming to see who I really was as a Christian probably stemmed from my religious training, as well as from my personality and interests. Because I had been warned in my youth by my religious teachers to stay away from anything “mystical” in trying to communicate with the spirit dimension lest I be sidetracked into religious error, I purposely avoided any Ouija boards or séance kind of spirit communication. Knowing that I might be deceived by the evil part of the spirit world, I stayed carefully away from “spiritism” or “mysticism”.
Oh, sure, I prayed. I attempted to communicate with God in the spirit world. I told Him my troubles and what I needed from Him. But what I didn’t do was LISTEN for any answers or guidance. I didn’t really trust whether I would recognize the message as from God or from some evil source.
But when I came to understand my new birth and Christ dwelling in me, I then realized that I had thrown out the baby with the bath water. Just because certain, far out groups, who seem to deny the atonement of Christ, emphasize mysticism does not mean that the subject us taboo and should be ignored.
The truth is that all people are mystics, whether they realize it or not. Mysticism is simply man’s inner knowing of Divinity – man’s intuitive realization of the need for union with God. Because the True Light enlightens every man (John 1:9), all people have in their hearts a spark of this inner knowing of what their destiny is meant to be. Believers in Christ have responded positively to this inner illumination, and have come to know and honor Christ as Savior and Lord. Unbelievers either reject that spark of Divinity outright (Romans 1:21) or find ways to attempt to get around it to satisfy their worldly perceptions.
Any Christian who acknowledges the Virgin Birth, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Atonement, the Holy Spirit, and then says he rejects mysticism as a source of knowledge – as I did for years – is in for a hard time in Christian living.
Most of us have learned from bitter experience that when we live only in the material dimension, we are powerless to perfect ourselves. Providentially, God has arranged a workable solution. As born-again new creatures in Christ, we are meant to live and operate in the consciousness of a higher dimension of spirit realm. We humanly do not have to be perfected. We humanly do not have to overcome or become anything. We only need to acknowledge our awareness of who we really are in the spirit dimension – one in union with Jesus Christ.
The key to a walk of faith that is not constantly derailed by day-to-day events is a fixed settlement into the truth of our union with Christ. Then this settled awareness turns into a quiet fellowship with Christ within whereby we come to recognize, AND KNOW THAT WE RECOGNIZE, messages of guidance from Him.
We no longer need to fear, as I did, that we will be deceived by evil spirits. We WILL recognize the difference between godly and ungodly guidance. We will instantly know the voice of Jesus as quickly as we know the voice of any family member.
This is not to say that we will always FOLLOW the guidance of Christ that we hear. We can still slip up by temporarily ignoring Christ and sinning. But we will also KNOW afterward that we did not follow Christ’s guidance when we sinned. This will tend to correct us and draw us back to Christ, probably even closer than before we sinned.
So, back to Hillary. If I could talk to Hillary, this is what I would tell her:
1. Don’t bother communicating with Eleanor Roosevelt! – or any dead person for that matter! They can’t help you with messages and, in fact, you are really asking for evil trouble.
2. You don’t need Jean Houston as some kind of a spiritual guide. If you are a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit working as a Teacher guide behind the scenes directing you to Christ.
3. Don’t reject talking to Jesus Christ! He is the One that you should be talking to!
4. But before you accept guidance messages from Him, you must know and accept that He is a part of you if you are a Christian. You must establish a personal relationship with Him so that you will know His voice.
Hillary, your personal life is tough enough right now. Don’t make it any tougher!
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