Saturday, December 29, 2007

Why Sex? How Do We Have Sex?

Some people think utopia is a place where sex is meaningless.

A group of lawmakers, judges, lawyers and educators in America, Britain, Canada, and elsewhere want to engineer a golden age of tolerance and understanding. They seek a society where everyone is accepted, where no one is condemned, where everyone feels emotionally validated, where no one’s feelings are ever hurt.

That might sound like a noble dream – but their version of it is a nightmare.

It is a world where the line between male and female doesn’t exist. Where not only is it just as common to be homosexual or bisexual as heterosexual, but every person has the choice – with society’s full unflinching support – to act, dress or even biologically exist as either male or female, or anything in between. Where a school teacher, police officer, priest or president can be a man who likes wearing dresses and high heels, and anyone who expresses discomfort over the idea can be silenced with the full force of the law.

This utopian world removes pressure on singles to marry, pressure on married people to remain together, pressure on parents to make sacrifices for their children, and pressure on children to view their parents as authorities. In other words, it undermines the pillars of family life.

Proponents of this vision overlook, ignore, dismiss and ridicule any evidence that exposes the flaws in their thinking. And there are mountains of evidence. Evidence showing biological, emotional and mental differences between men and women. Evidence showing the benefits of traditional marriage to both husband and wife, as well as society at large – and the high costs associated with its dissolution. Evidence showing the enormous advantages to children – in personal safety, academic performance, financial well-being, emotional stability, self-respect, and assimilation into law-abiding adult life, among other things – of growing up under the same roof with both biological parents, a living arrangement built upon a strong, stable relationship between a sperm-producing adult male and an egg-producing adult female.

Nevertheless, the reality-challenged individuals who refuse to acknowledge this evidence sit in some of the most powerful offices in Western civilization.

Such is the state of our society after decades of determined chipping away at the foundation of traditional family. Views that once inhabited the shadowy fringes are stomping their way into courtrooms and legislative chambers. Bit by bit, activist leaders are codifying their twisted vision into reality, aggressively introducing new laws and filling the judicial record with new precedent, giving them the legal power to stamp out dissent.

These relentless efforts in a drive over the past half century in particular to equalize the sexes have completely obscured an important question.

WHY are people male and female?

Have you ever thought about that?

It is a conundrum that both creationists and evolutionists must wrestle with. For the person who doesn’t believe in a Creator, it requires explaining how, by natural means – by accident and not by design – humanity (and so many other living creatures) came to exist in two distinct groups, different yet the same, mutually dependent upon the other for procreation. But even for the creationist, the question can be equally puzzling. Why did God make male and female?

Can those who push homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism on the public ever acknowledge the possibility that sex is not an accident of evolution, nor an arbitrary ornament on creation, but a conscious, deliberate choice with design and intent made by a super-intelligent Creator? Is it possible many have allowed their mind to be prejudiced against His superior thinking by simple peer pressure – the intellectual bullying of a society that is in so many ways hostile toward its Creator?

Let’s consider homosexuality. There are two schools of thought concerning its origin. First, the homosexual tendency is there from birth by congenital inheritance in the genes – for that person it is normal. Or second, the homosexual tendency is acquired in life by circumstances and situations – for that person it is abnormal. In other words, is homosexuality a sin or a sickness?

The Bible is clear about the practice of homosexuality. It IS a sin. But it is just like other sins – no more, no less. I believe the best working definition of sin is: any thought, word or deed attempted independently from God and His guidance.

Whether we want to accept it or not, we come into this world with the nature of Satan because of the Fall of our first parents: “You are of your father, the devil, and his lusts you will do” (John 8:44). This nature is a nature of independence. We want to do things on our own using our own judgments.

If we canonize homosexuality as a sickness, then we must similarly address all other biblically defined sins such as lying, stealing, gluttony, envy, pride, adultery, and even murder. The end of this exercise in self-pity and self-justification will be the conclusion that we are all victims, we are all sick, but we are not sinners. Following this line of reasoning, we will conclude that we are all “okay” or “normal” – we don’t need a Savior; at best we need a little treatment.

Such a conclusion is not only unbiblical, it is also illogical and an act of denial.

As with all sin, homosexuality can only be overcome with a change of natures – and that is just what accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord accomplishes. We are born again with a new nature of God by Christ coming to live right within us. At our new birth begins a gradual transformation of the mind to begin removing sinful reasoning from our minds. It is slow. It is a gradual process. But it works, because God promises us that it will work. In the case of homosexuality, feelings for the same sex rather than the opposite sex may not be transformed but the acts of homosexual sin can be gradually removed by the power of the indwelling Christ.

Unfortunately, many Christians have allowed homosexuality to be characterized as the worst sin, and to condemn, stereotype, and even speak maliciously of those who struggle with this particular sin of the flesh. There are many sins of the flesh but somehow liars and gluttons don’t receive the same vilification from many churches and individual Christians. The wisdom of the old adage of “hating the sin but loving the sinner” is often preached but not followed.

We are encouraged to pray for persecuted Christians in such places as China, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia. But we should not forget to pray for those Christians who have a real and meaningful relationship with God, but who struggle with homosexuality that they may refuse to act out the behavior just as Christ teaches them to refuse to act out all sinful behavior.

And those with relatives, friends and acquaintances deeply involved in homosexuality should pray for God to somehow get through to them that their only hope is a change of nature by choosing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

It seems that God used sexual union – the ultimate physical togetherness of the binding of the sexual organs – as an example of a born again Christian’s union with the indwelling Christ – the ultimate spiritual togetherness!

If humans had asexual reproduction like many other creature species, it would only reinforce the concept of independence which seems to be so “natural” in people anyway. There is dependence in many forms within the human family organization which can show us the way to what our heavenly Father has in mind for us as His children – trust in and dependence on our “Dad” through the indwelling Christ the Son.

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