Theistic Evolution - Is It An Unwise Christian Compromise?
Theistic evolution – as opposed to the Godless, atheistic variety – is an attempt to harmonize the Bible and evolutionary theory. It is a philosophy which says there is a God and He is the Creator – but He uses evolution as His tool or method. Theistic evolutionists think the Bible tells us WHO created, and evolution tells us HOW.
History does not record the name of the person who, when faced with the choice between atheistic evolution and divine creation, first asked: “Why does it have to be one or the other; why can’t it be both?” Since then men have tried to wed the Bible doctrine of divine Creation to the godless theory of evolution in an unholy alliance called “theistic evolution”. But the marriage is doomed to fail because too many irreconcilable differences exist between the two.
The two concepts are actually mutually exclusive, as we will see, and the attempt to reconcile Scripture with atheistic science is acceptable neither to Bible believers nor to mainline evolutionists. This unwise compromise offers no real safety and no satisfying answers as a middle ground, just as agnosticism offers no safe harbor to those adrift between belief and atheism. Unfortunately, such “harmonizing” efforts usually end with the wholesale acceptance of evolution and the relegation of the Genesis story to the realm of myth.
The great tragedy is that the Christian church, in large measure, has surrendered to the theory of evolution! Theistic evolution is accepted today by much of Christianity. The idea seems to be that the belief and teaching of evolution is permitted in the church provided that man’s moral and spiritual character is still recognized as a divine creation.
Some may find this alternate theory appealing because the average person hates to argue and take sides. And the theistic evolutionist, with a foot in both camps, does not have to argue with anyone. He can just smile and agree with both sides. But has he read the “fine print” so he is aware how much such harmony costs? Will he compromise the truth to avoid discussion?
Theistic evolution is a contradiction in terms, like “wise fool”. It has no scientific distinction and is vulnerable to all the objections (such as gaps in the fossil record, etc.) attaching to evolution in general.
But since theistic evolution attempts to bring God into the picture as an evolutionary agent, let’s focus on the theological implications of this theory, answering such questions as: Is it smart for a true Christian to open the door to evolutionary theory? We will find that just as scientific evidence won’t support the atheistic version of evolution, scriptural evidence won’t support the theistic version. The closer we look at this theory, the more clearly we see that it is a misguided misunderstanding of the character of God – the wise and loving Creator that the Bible reveals.
While proclaiming their belief in God, theistic evolutionists ignore or even attach His Word – the only objective standard by which we may know the truth He has revealed.
In His glorious sermon on the mount, Jesus taught that “the meek” - not the aggressive – “shall inherit the earth” (Mat. 5:5). A follower of Christ struck on one cheek by an aggressor will “turn to him the other also” (Mat. 5:39). But evolutionary doctrine is diametrically opposed to such noble teaching. An attempt at harmony with evolution’s idea of the “survival of the fittest” in “the struggle for existence” is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. There is a basic contradiction between Jesus’ golden rule to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and evolution’s survival-of-the-fittest idea that “might makes right”.
Have you considered that the Bible states that after Adam was created, there was found in all the animal kingdom no “help meet for him [that is, no companion or helper suited to his needs].”? This shows that Adam was not related to the animals and had nothing in common with them. That is why God specially formed Eve to be Adam’s wife.
Let us now consider the fall of man. The theme of the Bible is the fall of man into sin and his need of a Savior. But theistic evolution is totally unacceptable to all who believe in the fall of man because it does away with our need of Jesus Christ as Savior. The only “fall” allowed in evolution is a fall upward, for underlying evolutionary thought is the basic idea of progress. And if the assumption of progress is correct – if man began from lower forms of life and is on the upgrade, constantly climbing – he is not a FALLEN creature in need of a Savior but a DEVELOPING organism on the read to perfection. Instead of being condemned for his “fall” from grace, man should be congratulated on the progress he has made! Evolutionary theory and Bible truths postulate completely opposite trends.
Evolution sees man as a glorified beast, a creature who never fell but has always climbed higher and higher. Such an origin makes the death of Christ of no effect in man’s behalf. But Christ gave His life to save a fallen man, not a noble beast!
In conclusion, many who haven’t studied the subject feel they can believe in evolution and still believe all of the Bible except a small part at the beginning of Genesis. But God’s great act of creation is a subject not limited to one part of the Bible. Jesus said, “If you don’t believe his [Moses’] writings, how shall you believe My words?” (John 5:47). And Moses wrote Genesis.
A theistic evolutionist must actually fight a double battle – not only against the facts of science which are increasingly nullifying the theory of evolution – but also against texts of Scripture which reveal how God created the world.
Theistic evolution implies a very impersonal God – that God created a process which He allows to run its course mainly undisturbed. But God is not an absentee landlord as some suggest. In fact, the Bible states that it is His purpose to LIVE RIGHT WITHIN EACH OF HIS HUMAN CREATIONS IN A LIVING UNION OF SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY.
If we are willing to admit into our thinking the existence of a Creator God, why should we want to limit His power and explain away the plain statements of His Word?
As intelligent Christians, we must NEITHER ignore science NOR try to explain away Genesis and other parts of the Bible. Theistic evolution is a compromise theory forever opposed to the truths of the Bible.
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